We have our own cryostorages in different countries. Benefits of preserving your own stem cells:
once obtained, the cells can be stored for decades in liquid nitrogen at -196 C°;
blood relatives (brothers, sisters, mother, father) have a high chance of being immunologically compatible and, if necessary, can become recipients of the child’s stem cells;
the cost of isolating and “named” (personal) storage of cord blood cells is ten times less than the search and purchase of similar, but donor ones;
The field of application of cellular technologies is constantly expanding: with the development of medical science, pre-prepared stem cells can become an indispensable basis for the latest methods of treating many diseases, stem cells can be used to correct age-related changes in the body, prevent aging and treat many diseases associated with the aging process.
We have many years of experience in preserving biomaterials (stem cells). Since 2022, we have been working on the creation of cryobanks for the preservation of microbiota.